
IMI Accommodation and Binocular Vision in Myopia Development and Progression

We reviewed the evidence on the role of accommodation and binocular vision in myopia development and progression.

Amber light produces hyperopia in tree shrews

We investigated the effect of amber lighting on emmetropization responses of juvenile tree shrews.

Tree shrews do not maintain emmetropia in initially-focused narrow-band cyan light

This study evaluated if emmetropia, achieved in broadband colony lighting, is maintained in narrow-band cyan light that is well focused in the emmetropic eye, but does not allow for guidance from longitudinal chromatic aberrations (LCA) and offers minimal perceptual color cues. In addition, this study examined the response to a −5 D lens in this lighting.

Evidence-based Myopia Management - Clinical Considerations

This article discusses some clinical considerations that may be important when directing myopia management.

The acute effect of atropine eye drops on the human full-field electroretinogram

Atropine affects neural activity in the inner retina and photoreceptors.

Amber light produces hyperopia in tree shrews

In monkeys and tree shrews, narrow-band red light disrupts emmetropization, slowing axial eye growth and producing substantial hyperopia. We asked whether exposure to ambient amber light (lower cutoff - 530 nm), which also stimulates only the …

7-methylxanthine does not prevent induced myopia in tree shrews

We investigated the effect of systemic administration of 7MX on induced myopia in tree shrews and showed that oral 7MX appears to have either no, or very limited influence on compensatory refractive responses.

Which low‐dose atropine for myopia control?

In practice, initiating 0.01% atropine treatment for a child would inevitably delay implementation of an effective dose. This is particularly problematic in the early stages of myopia development when progression is most rapid. Since the sight‐threatening complications of myopia result primarily from excessive tissue stretch, effective slowing of eye growth would significantly ameliorate the risks and consequently help reduce the burden of future sight loss.

Physiological responses of human retina and choroid to retinal image defocus, Implications for myopia

This thesis uses advanced imaging and electrophysiology techniques to investigate the in vivo phsiological responses of human retina and choroid to retinal image defocus and improves our understanding the mechanistic basis of myopia.

Effect of atropine on human global flash mfERG responses to defocus

We investigated the site and mode of action of atropine eye drops and showed that atropine acts in the inner layers of the peripheral retina to affect neuronal responses to myopic defocus.